the life and times of a wandering jew


Looking Back

Hey old's been a while. I know I've been distant, but we have the kind of relationship where we can not talk for a while, and just pick up where we left off like nothing happened. I'd like to say I'll never neglect you for this long again, but I can't make that kind of promise. It's not you, it's me...and no, there isn't someone else. You're the only blog in my life, I swear.

So, at this time last year I was (checks the archives) leaving New York city. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the open road. Like smells and sounds, seasons bring on a flood of memories for me (yes, we have seasons in L.A. - Hot and Smoggy, Fire, Mudslide, and Earthquake), and as soon as Summer hit I got the travel-jones big time. I've gone through days where I realize I'll probably never again have the freedom that I had last Summer, and that's so thoroughly depressing. The trip gave birth to this new part of my brain, or soul, or whatever you want to call it, and that piece of me needs to be nourished with travel or it's going to die. I know that I'm so lucky to have had the chance to do what I did, and I appreciate that deeply, but like a heroin addict, one taste and I was hooked, and I can't shake the desire. I've planned mini-trips in my mind several times; I'll have four days off and think "I can make it to Denver and back, no prob." But then life comes up, and I'm lucky to make it to Denny's for a Denver omelet. The furthest I've gone since I got back has been San Diego, once, in my Prius, and it just wasn't the same. Poor me, I know, but I miss it. I really, really do.

I miss the lightning bugs in Pennsylvania. I miss the crazy Summer thunder and lightning storm I got caught in everywhere east of the Mississippi. I miss sitting in a Wal-Mart parking lot at sundown talking with wayward Winnebago retirees. I miss exploring and making myself do new things. I miss the satisfaction that comes from reading a map. I miss waking up every morning and deciding where I'm going to go next. I miss calling my friends and family every day with an exciting new story. I miss meeting people that have lived all their lives in the same country as I (or is it "me?) who couldn't be more different, yet are remarkably similar. I miss the excitement that comes with knowing there's no way today will be the same as yesterday. I miss listening to local radio and hearing the different issues that tick off different communities. I miss playing poker and the stories you hear after your eighth hour at the table in Deadwood, South Dakota. I miss the simplicity that comes with living out of a car. I miss not having to worry about rent and bills and whether or not this is the third day I'm wearing the same shirt. I miss it all.

And I've become that guy I predicted I'd become way back when I started this blog. The guy who'll work his great adventure into just about every conversation, whether it fits or not. I hear myself doing and I cringe, but I press on, regaling unsuspecting victims for hours with stories that start "I took this road trip last summer around the country..." The other day at work, and I swear this was unsolicited, I was talking to someone and somehow the sentence came out of her mouth that she'd LOVE to rent an RV and just travel around the country. Well, that was just the greatest setup line I could possibly be given - you DREAM that someone says in a conversation that their biggest fantasies is to do the one thing you're practically a certified expert in.

The trip still has the power to enthral people, but with time that power is waning. At this point it was a year ago, and if I bring it up, it lacks the same luster as when I was able to say "I just got back from..." And so now it's time for a new adventure, a new passion, a new endeavor on which to focus my energy.

I turn 30 in November. I'm scared and excited at the same time. I've been rather productive in my 20s, and I've taken the time to build a respectable resume in the profession of my choice. There were some shaky years, but on paper my radio background is solid; the very picture of a young up an comer (what a great porn title). But I have surprisingly little to show for it. While my friends are getting married and starting families and buying houses, I'm still living paycheck to paycheck. I feel like I'm about to enter the next stage of my life, where I grow up and become a responsible member of society. And I'm ready to do that. I want to do that. But going off in a VW van doesn't fit in to that life, and that has me a little scared and a little sad. There's always going to be a part of me that wants to chuck everything and live by a river in Montana. Will I regret not doing that? Perhaps. But who's to say I won't somewhere down the line?

I know it's not a struggle unique to me, but these are the thoughts that have running through my head over the last few months. Will I ever again eat fresh lobster on newspaper as the sun sets over Bar Harbor, Maine? God I hope so.


George said...

This isn't happening. It can't be. After almost 4 months of silence you reappear. I was hoping that LA had swallowed you whole. That you were engrossed in selling blowjobs to negroes downtown at the bus station to get beer money. I was hoping that you got fired from your job after they caught you jacking off to a copy of boys life in the men's room. I was hoping that you were arrested and became somebody's butt bitch at county jail. Mostly I was hoping that you went balistic at your local Whole Foods and died in a hail of police gunfire on the dirty sidewalk out front. Your blood flowing over used condoms and into the sewer where the souls of the unworthy reside.

But since that didn't happen, how about you and I take in a Dodger game? I'll buy the first beer.

Robin Diane Goldstein said...

YES!!! I -knew- Elvis was still alive!!!

In your face, space aliens...


Alliechan said...

*plays Welcome Back Kotter theme* Oh, I neglect this site for 2 weeks and he's back. It is hard when one looks back but we must realize what those moments were there for and I believe you got it!

George said...

Well it looks like you have 3 viewers (readers?) of this blog Jason. Time to spiff it up. Time to get on the jazz. I'm thinking road trip here. Sell that faggoty Prius, quit that sissyboy job and hit the frickin' road! Be a man. And the kind of man that hot chicks throw themselves at with reckless abandon. Not the butt pirate you've been lately.

Do it.

Anonymous said...

On the repetition of this same experience we were forced to the supposition that there is an intimate bond, with laws of its own, between the unintelligible and complicated nature of the dream and the difficulties attending communication of the thoughts connected with the dream.. I saw her blush when that old lover passed by, or paused to speak to her, but it was only the sign of delicate feminine consciousness.. Van Kamp reached in his pocket with the reflection that the spot, after all, was an ideal one for a quiet summer retreat.. Perhaps the tender, maternal fingers of my wife soothed his weary head with the conviction that he felt the hand of his mother playing with the long hair of her boy in the soft West Indian morning.. It was to this man that some youthful colleagues in the hospital adapted the then popular slang of that day: No Goethe has written that, No Schiller composed that, etc.. Their sympathy is aroused, and the following syllogism, which does not reach consciousness, is completed in them: If it is possible to have this kind of an attack from such causes, I too may have this kind of an attack, for I have the same reasons.. My charming friend, George Withers, has, I am almost sure, a double, who preaches his afternoon sermons for him.. He always enjoyed his story and himself in the telling. I am sure of it, said the girl.. Mister, cried one of them, you needn't be afraid of tumbling into the canal. Und you ave pelief in me , te Angel of te Odd? I nodded again. This cerebral anaemia produces a transformation of character, demonomaniacal hallucinations, and very violent nocturnal, perhaps also diurnal, states of anxiety.. We learnt that the most intelligible and meaningful dreams are unrealized desires; the desires they pictured as realized are known to consciousness, have been held over from the daytime, and are of absorbing interest.. The leaky little boat was plunging and dancing in swift ecstasy of movement; all about them the little waves ran glittering in the sunlight, plashing and slapping against the boat's low side, tossing tiny crests to the following wind, showing rifts of white here and there, blowing handfuls of foam and spray.. He lifted up his honest voice and cried aloud for joy.. It occurred to me, the Major would begin--he was always ceremonious--that perhaps you might have found your duties at the--at your place of occupation--sufficiently arduous to enable you, Mr.. An' as for my bed, said Mr.. Miss Lydia called her father to a consultation.. Yes, it must be so, it has been done correctly.. From one or two offices struggled the dim gleam of an early candle, by whose light some perplexed accountant sat belated, and hunting for his error...

George said...

Come on Haywood, get off your ass and write something. And stop going to Tommy's on Rampart to indulge your secret chile burger jones. I saw you there last week in that pretty boy Prius that you drive. The natives are getting freaking restless. Look at the previous comment. Obviously a meth-head with too much time and access to a keyboard. You can put a stop to this madness now by writing something.

... said...

What happened to the roadtrip blog?