the life and times of a wandering jew


Stand In Front of Your Man

I was watching the local FOX 11 News at 10 tonight, and I found the position the anchors were in kind of strange...

Who decided this was a good way to do the news? It looks like John Beard is stalking Christine Divine. Or like she's a hostage, and he's forcing her to read the news at gunpoint. I'd love to know the decision making process that went on here..."We'll really attract more viewers if it looks like our male anchor is about to sexually assault the female anchor from behind." And the look on Christine's face at the beginning...she smirking uncomfortably, like John is breathing hot coffee breath in her ear. Strange.


Monitor said...

I'm sure you bosses will love the fact that you are totally dis'in members of your profession.

How about we send a copy of this blog to every media outlet in southern California? You'll be back to doing late night booger shows at KSCO in no time... and working at McDonalds during the day to make ends meet.

Unknown said...

You worked at McDonalds, Jason? That explains it all. Just think, you could have been a district manager of McDonalds and now you're pimping for radio. Way to go, buddy.