the life and times of a wandering jew


Get a Look at those Globes

So my New Year's resolution was shot to hell. I just haven't had time in the past four days to post anything. I suck, I know. Oh's not like any of this shit is groundbreaking anyway. But some interesting things are happening, some of which I can talk about, some I can't. I taped a game show for a major network yesterday, which I can't talk about until it airs of February 3rd. I'lll give a heads up a day or two before. I signed a massive confidentiality agreement which basically stated if I talk, they can remove my liver. And I need my liver.

Next monday I'll be hanging among the Hollywood elite - I get to go to the Golden Globes for work. And even though I'll be behind the scenes, running around to set up interviews and whatnot, I have to wear a tux. There's an off chance I might be in a camera shot somewhere, so I guess it would be bad form to wear jeans and my Birkenstocks. Golden Globe rules state I must dress like a penguin, so I went today to rent one. I'm going a little vest, no bowtie. Black tux, black shirt, white striped tie. I didn't want a vest because it's 80 degrees today, and if it's hot next Monday I'd prefer to wear as little clothing as possible.

The last time I wore a tux was high school prom, almost 12 years ago. I wanted to be cool and a little different, so I went with tails. Tip for short men - tails make you look like a midget. That was a mistake I won't make again.

This should be fun. I get a kick out of seeing celebrities in person as much as the next guy. In my mind, I know that they're people, just like you and me. And ordinary people like teachers and scientists deserve more hero worship than people who get paid millions of dollars to pretend to be other people. But I live in this society where our values aren't exactly what they should be, so I get excited and caught up in this shit.

The Golden Globes is one my favorite shows of the Awards season, because it combines television and movies. The TV guys don't tend to take themselves as seriously as the movie guys, so the speeches are funnier and the whole atmosphere is a little more relaxed. Plus I think they serve alcohol, so everyone is drunk.

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