Part II of Oprah and Gayle's big adventure started in Sedona, where she explained they were going shopping for some health food. Cut to a quick montage of Oprah shopping. I was no where to be seen in the background. Next she and Gayle buy pillows and sheets and start making fun of the strange things people who don't have billions of dollars buy to make their homes a little more cozy. Cut to a scene of Oprah and Gayle driving and complaining, on their way out of Sedona. I was kind of surprised there were no shots of the beautiful scenery or mention of the mystical healing powers supposedly contained in the Red Rocks.
And then it came - an exterior shot of them driving out of Sedona, and if you look closely in the background, behind the last production car, there's Trudel in all her glory. I leapt off the couch and shouted in triumph. My job here was done.
Think what might have happened if you HADN'T gone back to Cali for no good reason!
Somebody is severely in need of a job and a life here. Stop watching the cartoon network all day while smoking weed and get your ass out pounding the pavement looking for a job.
Stalker (n) - To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
I'm not falling for this. Remember that arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win you're still a retard.
Dickless (n) - The condition of no longer having a penis. (see: sin juevos)
Is that bragging or what?
What happened to that kid that was driving around the country annoying people? Did he get arrested?
OMG! it's you
This is just gay.
Not that that is a bad thing.
Did anyone notice that all these homicidal school rampages happened at places Jason was last seen at?
Like take this latest Amish blood's worth noting that Jason's fingerprints are all over Amish country...just what did he do to those poor people?
Kinda makes one say, "hmmmmmm....."
I think Jason was involved in some sort of sordid tryst with an Amish woman and her man went amuck. He was previously involved with the Chancell0r at UCSC just before she threw herself out the 43rd story window in SF. A little (very little) research will show that Jason can be linked with a kitty porn ring. We surreptitiously searched his van and found numerous photos of female felines in provocative poses.
And no Robin, this is not stalking. This is private eye stuff, thankyewveramuch.
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