The season premiere of the Oprah Winfrey show was today, which is normally an event that holds very little meaning in my life. Except that this season started out with (fanfare please) Oprah and Gail's big Road Trip!
I was all set to watch, to see if there was any mention of our encounter (which you can read about here). I figured Oprah would get to the part about Sedona, and the camera would come in for a tight shot of her face, and she would say something like, "In Winslow, Arizona, I met a man who has changed my life forever. His name is Jason Nathanson, and he is a very special person. We talked about road trips and life, and then he was gone, leaving me only a card with the name of a blog. So when I got back from my trip, I checked out his blog, and I found a magical world where dreams come true and everything is possible. His writing - so expressive, so insightful, so mature. His photographs captured the essence of who we are as a country. This is a brilliant and beautiful man, and I want to give him a billion dollars."
And she could have said something to that effect.
I wouldn't know.
I forgot to watch.
So if anyone out there caught the show, please let me know if I should be expecting a check. Or better yet, maybe someone with a DVD burning tivo recorded it and can burn me a copy. That would be great.
*image enhancement done by Robin Goldstein. Check out the podcast at http://schnauzerlogic.tblog.com/
YThe hell with Oprah.
You changed OUR lives, Jason.
I didn't watch. I general don't care for the minstral shows. I don't enjoy their racist humor.
I understand that Ofrah drove for 10 days somewhat in a row in a rental car with her paid friend and a staff of 27 trailing in swank production recreational vehicles.
You went for three months solo in a borrowed van.
I do believe you kick Ofrah's ample behind.
A million tiny pieces of Ofrah's pretend roadtrip left in your wake.
What is going on here? The trip's over and everyone bails? Where is your loyalty? Where is the love? I'm disappointed in the lot of you.
Jason's out there hitting the pavement in L.A. with the scumsuckers on Hollywood Blvd....and ya'll just sit there and don't give him an iota of support.
You go, Jason. I'm your most loyalest fan ever.
Thanks for the support, anonymous person from the Jersey area!
Hey, I'm no Jersey girl. I mean I do have an IQ.
"If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May Queen
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on"
Ok so finding out a definition for bustle didn't help with the lyrics.
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