I don't know Drew, so I don't have to be nice. Maybe you should introduce me to Drew so I can be nice. Is Drew single? I feel we should use Jason's blog to pick up people, don't you think?
So here's the deal...you introduce me to Drew...if he's single, has a sense of humor and is not jail bait...and I won't spread bad rumors all over the blog about "Mr. Comment Deleted."
It is my policy to not to negotiate with terrorists. Extortion will not get you to where you want to go. Only much study of the occult and hard work will.
I think Drew is off the market and up in San Rafael, CA.
You'd be better off going after Jason as he would F the proverbial rolling donut and is easy.
Well, wait a sec.... There's really no such thing as GU. I happen to own a car, I have a pilot's license, and Jason can give me a lift to wherever you live as he passes through. (Right Jason?)
So you'll have to find another excuse. Besides, Bigg's casting couch couldn't handle my skill level.
If you throw in a sheep, I'll crawl to Nebraska. Throw in Biggs and I'll do the voodoo thing. But I gotta ask...even with my sexual prowess...you must explain what kitty style is? Does that involve a leash and hairballs?
Um, excuse me, you sissies, Jason said this was an X-rated blog.
It's 8 a.m. in the damn morning here, and you actually have me turned on. Can you please describe the voodoo thing in detail so I can have an orgasm before 9?
Second thought, forget it. Biggs will have a jealous fit over a blog orgy...and there are family members here.
Did you ever experience the magic of a corn field on a moonless night?
Did you ever have to "tie it off?"
Did you ever have to jump and international border in the middle of the night because of what went down in a hotel room with a Dutch Hooker? (30 Guilders... before the Euro)
Mmmmm, I just got out of a hot shower to return to yet another fantasy of reindeer and a dutch hooker in a moonlit cornfield....I'll never make it through work. As much as I'd like to meet your upstanding family member, you might have to tie it off until I fight morning rush hour.
Come to the cornfield behind my house on the next new moon. Bring fruit (for cleaning yourself) and the goat for the Ebo. We will do an Orisha Voudou sacrifice to rid you of your filthy desires.
I see. You've just come out of some guy's nose and are on the way up some Plott Hounds's butt. Interesting trip.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Can we try for one blog to be civilized in honor of Drew's Birthday?
If Jason were coming out of a guy's nose that would make him a booger.
What does Drew's birthday have to do with this blog? Everyday is somebody's birthday.
What I want to know is, who the hell is this COMMENT DELETED guy?!
Yo momma!
How did you do that? I want to know this trick, so I can delete everyone I don't like.
I must know! Out with it!
Nay. Never! I will take my secrets to the grave. Besides this is be-nice-because-it's-drew's-birthday day.
I don't know Drew, so I don't have to be nice. Maybe you should introduce me to Drew so I can be nice. Is Drew single? I feel we should use Jason's blog to pick up people, don't you think?
So here's the deal...you introduce me to Drew...if he's single, has a sense of humor and is not jail bait...and I won't spread bad rumors all over the blog about "Mr. Comment Deleted."
What a deal.
It is my policy to not to negotiate with terrorists. Extortion will not get you to where you want to go. Only much study of the occult and hard work will.
I think Drew is off the market and up in San Rafael, CA.
You'd be better off going after Jason as he would F the proverbial rolling donut and is easy.
But Drew is much better looking.
Ever hear of Stockholm syndrome? I think you should try and sympathize with your terrorist...considering she hasn't been laid in nearly a month.
So if Drew is taken...and Jason is wandering around the deep south in a marijuana haze...what exactly is YOUR status?
Because if you put out, we can alleviate the issue of smearing your name across blogsphere.
The Terrorist
I am G.U.*
So you better start working another angle sister. I'd try the Biggs cast guys. I hear none of them have been laid in a month of Sundays.
*Geographically Undesireable
Well, wait a sec....
There's really no such thing as GU.
I happen to own a car, I have a pilot's license, and Jason can give me a lift to wherever you live as he passes through. (Right Jason?)
So you'll have to find another excuse. Besides, Bigg's casting couch couldn't handle my skill level.
I'd take offense, if I understood what you meant.
I'm bored with this thread.
Bring on the pics of goats 'n gators.
Gotchya, inappropriate for youngsters. Sorry. No offense, Mr. Biggs...I'm sure your cast is great
Hmm... are you willing to do it holding 2 live chickens while I kneel befor a VooDoo altar?
Are you willing to do it kitty-style?
Are you willing to go to the very edge of extasy?
If so, you can be one of the few, the proud... no wait, that's the Marines. Sorry.
And by G.U. I mean just outside of Omaha Nebraska.
Man-o-man this blog is gonna get flagged!
If you throw in a sheep, I'll crawl to Nebraska. Throw in Biggs and I'll do the voodoo thing. But I gotta ask...even with my sexual prowess...you must explain what kitty style is? Does that involve a leash and hairballs?
Um, excuse me, you sissies, Jason said this was an X-rated blog.
It's 8 a.m. in the damn morning here, and you actually have me turned on. Can you please describe the voodoo thing in detail so I can have an orgasm before 9?
Second thought, forget it. Biggs will have a jealous fit over a blog orgy...and there are family members here.
Yes... my "family member" is upstanding.
Did you ever experience the magic of a corn field on a moonless night?
Did you ever have to "tie it off?"
Did you ever have to jump and international border in the middle of the night because of what went down in a hotel room with a Dutch Hooker? (30 Guilders... before the Euro)
Naw... me neither.
"I tried a poodle, a collie, Kukla, Fran and Ollie, but Mary in the manger got me satisfied." -Martin Mull
Mmmmm, I just got out of a hot shower to return to yet another fantasy of reindeer and a dutch hooker in a moonlit cornfield....I'll never make it through work. As much as I'd like to meet your upstanding family member, you might have to tie it off until I fight morning rush hour.
(Meanwhile, Jason, may we borrow your goat?)
Come to the cornfield behind my house on the next new moon. Bring fruit (for cleaning yourself) and the goat for the Ebo. We will do an Orisha Voudou sacrifice to rid you of your filthy desires.
Get a room you 2!
I think this blog should have some sort of warning for viewers under the age of 13.
Like: "You're bad and that is why daddy drinks?"
Oh, I get it.
I AM offended.
Daddy Biggs is offended again because we misbehaved?
No, it's because he drinks.
Anybody heard from Jason?
*cricket sounds*
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