the life and times of a wandering jew


Coming Soon to a Blog Near You...

I'm in D.C. and I leave tomorrow. Hopefully there will be a picture of me with a very powerful person. If it happens, I'll post it and many other excellent D.C. pics as soon as I can. I leave early Friday morning for California, and I don't think I'll be taking my laptop, so hopefully I can get everything up tomorrow night. So far D.C. is tied with Hickory Nut Falls, North Carolina for favorite place I've been.

In the meantime, check out last weeks KSCO radio hit. Robin's been dealing with some intense shit, which you can read about on his blog (which is why there haven't been any new Schnauzer Logic Podcasts), but he was still kind enough to post last weeks KSCO segment. That's true friendship for ya.

And if you're up, check me out live on Good Morning Monterey Bay tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 6:45am pacific. They stream live over at There is a very good chance I will be hung over. In fact, I'd count on it.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to those pictures of the Whitehouse security guard and you. We also can't wait for pictures of the wedding bash and Jason catching the bridal bouquet.

Your loyal dominion will be waiting for you when you get back.

Anonymous said...

where were you on ksco?

jason said...

I wasn't on KSCO, and I'm not exactly sure why. Sometimes things get hectic on a morning show, and it's possible they forgot. Which is a shame for them, because oh the stories I would have told! Like this one time, and band camp...