the life and times of a wandering jew


Couple a things

The Grammy's were fun. I guess I'm three for three...while I didn't sneak into an after party, I DID sneak back stage. For all the juicy details, you're gonna have to listen to either Schnauzer Logic or KSCO. I might get around to writing about it, but I don't want to promise things I can't deliver.

In other news...the long awaited podcast is here! Sam Betesh, Krystal Fernandez (both of FOX Sports Radio) and I got behind the mic last Friday to see if the chemistry we seem to have off the air would translate over. I think it did. It was a lot of fun, and hopefully we can make it a regular thing...maybe twice a month. Check it out at

Coming up, the Oscars, the Razzies, and maybe even some big news...stay tuned.


Alliechan said...

Hey Jason

I listened to The Idiots and I have to say, Robin was quite right on the technical and formatting critques, but other then that, I was mostly entertained. The woman on the show was a bit annoying at times but that's ok, cause your all new to your own podcast together, I hope...

Unknown said...

I actually found the woman to be the voice of reason amongst the Idiots.

jason said...

Hi allie,
I'm glad we were able to (mostly) entertain you. Yes, this was the first show we've all done together. The goal was just to go into a studio and have a conversation. I think it was a good start.

And's funny how different people will hear different things. I'm glad there was some disagreement on the show...I find it boring when everyoe agrees with each other all the time.

Robin Diane Goldstein said...

i agree

Unknown said...

As long as I'm right, I have no problem with disagreement. The woman rocks. I assume she has nice tits, so let her stay.

Alliechan said...

Oh yes, let her stay, but she does not need to scream"Your crazy your crazy" then I'm fine with her.

Unknown said...

Unless her two male counterparts are molesting her and throwing her in front of the microphone and having their way with her...then it is ok for her to scream.

Perfectly acceptable.

Robin Diane Goldstein said...

i agree

xrayspex said...


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