the life and times of a wandering jew


Nathanson Big in '07

Quick post before I fall asleep (I wonder, do you ever get used to waking up at 3 in the morning? Most people I talk to tell me "No," which is SOO encouraging)...

I went to get my picture taken today for my credentials for the Golden Globes. It looks like I'll be hanging out in what essentially is a closet for most of the night. No red carpet access, but I believe I have access to the interview room where the press shouts at the celebs after they've won, asking hard hitting questions like "What does it feel like?" and "How do you feel?" I'm told there is an area I'll be near where the stars congregate, kind of around the bathrooms, and we're supposed to be close to the smoking area. I have a feeling that's where the REAL conversations happen, so I'm glad I'll be close to there, mic in hand. Of course, I would NEVER record someone without their knowledge...

I went to pick up my tux, but the arms were too long, so they have to do some alterations. Rental tuxes suck for a guy like me. I have a big barrell chest, but they can't taper the jacket, so the jacket just kind of hangs over my torso. You could fit a hula hoop between the jacket and my body. But the white tie with the black shirt looks pretty pimped out. I just hope it doesn't stand out too much, because I'm there to work, not make a fashion statement. The cute Asian chick doing my measurements sensed my concern, so she threw in an extra white shirt and black tie for free. So I'll take those with me just in case.

So the "Nathanson Big in '07" train keeps on rolling right along...on Monday I taped a game show for a National Network that will air February 3rd, next Monday I get to go to the Golden Globes, and this Saturday I'll make my triumphant return being on the air on radio! Sort of. I mean, I'm already on KSCO every week, but I'm not sure most would consider that "Real Radio." And the Schnauzer Logic podcast is great - it actually sounds better than most radio shows and is heard by more people than most radio shows, but it's me on a phone line. But this will be sitting in a studio doing a talk show.

The gist is this (and if you know me, I'm always trying to do some crazy thing, I always have a plan or some half-baked idea that I'm working on. 95 percent of them never come to fruition. This year they seem to all be hitting at once): I answered an ad on a radio trade website. They were looking for a co-host for a show on the Free FM station in San Diego. It's only Saturday nights, and there's no pay, but apparently the PD likes the show and lets them fill in when the weekday shows are on vacation. I sent them some of my stuff, and they liked it, so I'm going to sit in on the show. So if you're in the San Diego area on Saturday night, from 8 to 10 or 9 to 12 or 8 to 11 (I should probably find out the exact time), tune in to 103.7 on your FM dial to hear the smooth, dulcet tones of me. From their website, it doesn't appear as if they stream. If that changes I'll let you know.

Stay Classy San Diego! I'm Ron Burgundy?

More to come...


Parcheez FartAlli said...

Hey, Jay:

You're blowing up, baby! And your career isn't looking too bad, either!

It will be hard for you to top your Schnauzer Poodle gig, but good luck with that!

Alliechan said...

And your out? I wanna see you on t.v., so I'm very excited.