One of my New Year’s resolutions is to do a daily fifteen minute free-write* on the blog. I know I’ve been extremely lax in updating it with the amazing events of my spectacular life, but no more! You will all be treated to a daily dose of whatever is rambling around in my head. Or at least until I crap out on sticking to my resolutions like 99.9% of all Americans. I give this until about Thursday.
Daily writing is in fact my only resolution. Sure, I could stand to throw some others in the mix, like quitting smoking and eating healthy, but I figured I’d start small. And by writing every day I’m flexing muscles in my hands. I’m probably burning at least 10 calories just by typing this.
I finally got my papers to join the Writer’s Guild. All I have to do now is pay them $2500. It’s a lot of money, but I’m basically paying to be able to say with a snobby accent that “I’m a writer,” so it’s worth every cent. The insurance and pension is icing on the cake. Plus I get a nifty magazine every month. And I got business cards from the radio station – they say “Jason Nathanson – Writer.” It’s nice, after years of wanting to be a writer, that I’m semi-legit. Before you know it I’ll be drinking scotch and running with bulls. Although, I’d wager that Hemmingway was probably never a member of the guild. He was a loner, and I can’t see him going to meetings to vote on benefit packages.
Work is going well, and I’ve got a lot of irons in the fire for 2007. It’s cliché to say “This is going to be the year where I turn it all around and DO something with my life,” but I’m coming into ’07 with a full head of steam. Some things I’ll talk about here as it becomes appropriate, like a certain game show I’ll be going on next week. After I find out what I can and can’t say, you’ll be the first to know.
In the meantime, my segments on the Schnauzer Logic podcast are getting better and better – the last one of 2006 was probably my favorite appearance yet. Check it out over at And I’m still doing a segment on Good Morning Monterey Bay, every Thursday morning at 6:45am, streaming at Check that shit out, yo.
New Year’s was interesting…it’s the year that everyone started to grow up. There were still some parties and drinking, but most of my friends either stayed home or were low-key. There are babies to contend with now.
I worked that night until 1am, producing a kickass New Year’s eve extravaganza, and then met up with some friends at a restaurant/club/bar called Blowfish on Sunset. And yes, it’s the same Blowfish that started in the Mission in San Francisco. By the time I arrived, most everyone was drunk, and being the sober person walking into a room full of drunks is kind of like walking into a room full of puppies…everyone goes crazy around you for five minutes and then proceeds to run around the room and pee on themselves. I couldn’t drink because I was driving, so I just sat back and let my friends amuse me. Until the head butting started. Thankfully at that point the night was pretty much over.
Time’s up. More tomorrow.
*concept borrowed from, one of the poker blogs I check out from time to time. Pauly covers major tournaments and gives a live accounting of the action, plus he's a pretty good writer, so pop over if you're so inclined.
***echo of silence*****
Our God has spoke.
Ahem... you mean "spoken".
They don't teach these kids anything in school nowadays.
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