3:00am - My phone alarm goes off, a really annoying midi version of "Alouette." It pisses me off so much that I can't help but wake up. I curse. I lie there for about a minute. I curse again and get out of bed.
3:05am - I turn on the shower. The bathroom is freezing cold, and it's pitch black outside. The shower feels like a heavenly warm water blanket, and I almost fall asleep twice standing up. I decide I don't have time to shave. I curse.
3:15am - Out of the shower and it's FREEZING. The mirror is all fogged up, so I'm not sure if I put my makeup on correctly. Just kidding, I don't wear makeup. Just a little eyeliner. I brush my teeth.
3:22am - I get dressed. I stare at my bed and longingly wish it were 1pm, so I'd be done with work and could go back to sleep. I curse.

3:28am - I walk outside to my car. It's freezing, but I'm kind of awake now. I turn on Howard Stern, where a girl is masturbating on a vibrating saddle at 6:28am Eastern.
3:32am - The devil on my shoulder wants a cigarette, the angel on my other shoulder calls me a fucking idiot. Angel gets sucked out the window when I open it to smoke. I roll the window all the way down, and for the ninth time this morning I am freezing.
3:36am - The window is back up, and my body isn't very happy about the cigarette.

3:47am - The all night donut shop at Highland and Santa Monica is rocking. Prostitutes and drug dealers mill around, waiting to stick something in their bodies. The cops sit in their car and watch from the Del Taco parking lot across the street.
3:49am - I'm stopped at a light. There are not cars coming in any direction. The green walk hand won't change to the flashing red walk hand, not matter what I do. I put the car in reverse, then drive. I flash my high beams. I think about running the light, but end up sitting there like a law-abiding tool.
3:55am - I park my car on the street outside my building. I look for a broken meter, but they're never broken in the morning. They only seem to flash "Fail" after I've put my two dollars in. I curse.
3:56am - The beep from my access card wakes up the sleeping security guard. I offer a cheery "Good Morning," and he gives me a look that makes me happy he doesn't have a gun.
3:57am - I walk into the newsroom. In my mind I'm greeted by joyous celebration, but in reality it's more like muted acknowledgement of my presence.
4:00am - I start writing news stories. It seems there are a lot of people that have been murdered, and a lot of children have been kidnapped or molested. My mind wanders as I think about never having kids, and I realize I've fallen asleep at my keyboard.
4:23am - Other people start wandering in to work. Most of them look as if they were sleep walking and somehow woke up at a radio station. The smell of burnt coffee fills the air.
5:12am - I have a lengthy internal debate over whether or not I want to take a dump at work.

7:30am - Time for break. I go downstairs and wander around for a bit. I contemplate buying something at the coffee shop, but I'm not hungry. I wander around some more, then go back to work.
8:15am - The news cycle slows down considerably, and I hit a wall. I wonder if anyone would notice if I curled up under my desk and took a nap.

10:07am - I realize I forgot to feed the meter, and race downstairs hoping I don't have a ticket. I don't, but someone has put a coupon on my windshield offering me a big discount on "The Cleaning of Dirty Car-pets." As I put in my last quarter, the meter blinks "Fail." If only it would have done that before I put my two dollars in.
10:32am - I go back over the stories I've written that day and laugh at how clever I am. No one can match my wit when it comes to writing about attempted rape. NO ONE!
10:47am - I spend way too much time thinking about the meaning of "Dirty Car-pets." Does it mean dirty carpets, or dirty pets that ride in your car? I have no need to get either cleaned, but I consider calling the number anyway...
11:15am - I read an e-mail from a friend suggesting we do a story about how You Tube is censoring his attempt to put up videos of him in various stages of going to the bathroom. I reply, telling him no. Again.
11:19am - I check my work e-mail and learn that Mark from sales, it's his birthday, and

11:45am - My stomach hurts, having been up nine hours and eaten nothing but two pieces of super sugary cake from Ralph's. Mark and I make plans to "meet up for drinks with everyone else from the office."

I am so damn grateful that someone else works the psycho graveyard news shift besides myself. Wait until you get pulled over for speeding and not going with the flow of traffic when the roads are deserted. Just wait until you find out the ticket cost you a weeks salary.
I feel much better knowing our slimey sales people, with IQs of amoebas, don't dare socialize with the newsroom. But feel much worse that we get no free cake. And I'm overjoyed that there are worse writers than me out there who have to endure rewrites.
But I am internally grateful that you made me laugh before going to bed at the obscene hour of 7 p.m. just so I can get 8 fucking hours of sleep. One day I will buy you a whole cake if I can ride your brontosaurus. Kinky.
Rereading this, I take it back...you write much better than I..me..I...oh, fuck it.
You went to bed after 7:21 p.m. so you did not get 8 hours sleep. Good thing you are not a mathmetician.
Good thing you are not a writer. It's mathematician, not mathmetician.
Way to go, Einstein.
*yawn* Eh. Whatever.
I want to work in radio. It seems so easy. I mean what do you really do besides hunt and peck?
Yet again, you had me rolling. I wonder when your liberal left wing nutjob jews will get on the ball and start blaming the Right media...muahahhahahahahahhahahhahaa
>_< Sorry, had a little Satan in me.
Please note. Someone's editing blogger comments again. Which one of you neo-nazi punks think that suppressing freedom of speech will keep people reading this blog? This obviously has something to do with the fact that the liberal left wing nutjob jews are running the media and squelching anything that doesn't agree with them. I say revolt! RISE AND BE HEARD! REVOLT COMRADES AGAINST THE FACIST MEDIA OF JASON!
If that were true don't you think your comment would have been deleted?
Let's get on with the fuckin' show already. This pussyfooting around with your snooze-oh life is putting us to sleep. Get off high-center and start fuckin' entertaining us. You know, there are other blogs. Blogs of greatness.
hey butthole of greatness... the rest of us have talked it over and you are officially dismissed from reading this blog. please pack your things and leave.
good day, sir.
i said
That comment probably came from the same guy who's been deleting and censoring the blog. Never mind him. He's a Nazi.
Hey Jason your writing got better the further you got from LA on your road trip... then when you got back your writing really slid. This episode of the blog is a great example where it is cliche laden and, or I dunno, kind of like a smart ass newspaper columnist and it's just fuckin' sad. You have the stuff to be a great writer but LA is sucking the soul right out of your butt.
Oh, yeah and the above paragraph is just epic journalism. A stunning Pulitzer piece if I ever saw one. Dude, you have much gall and so little, little brain.
**** *** and the the horse you rode in on. I'm not claiming to be a writer, let alone a great writer. People used to praise Jason's writing... especially when he was in the south. Since then it has definately gone down hill. So instead of zinging off cheapshots to puff up your failing self-esteem why don't you try reading this blog from the beginning like the rest of us?
P.S. **** *** = fuck you
Oooh...someone has the ego of a squid. There's nothing sadder than a heckler that has the vocabulary of ghetto boy.
Look, darling, give Jason a break. The poor dear is trying to hold down a job in the piss poor paying arena of radio. He is not here to entertain you. You have been invited into his mind for a visit. It's not a theatre for critics. So how about it if you take some vocabulary building lessons, then trot off and find Michael Richards at the nearest pub...who would love to have an audiance member who has an IQ of wax paper.
Methinks thou doth protest too much. If this blog is not for entertainment then what, pray tell, is it for? A science fair project? And who made you the queen of England here? I find your condescending comments to be capricious and chickenshit. And to that I can only add, Good day madam. (C U Next Tuesday)
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