To the guy next to me at the gym who kept farting: as if it's not bad enough that I have nothing better to do than go to the gym on a Friday night, I have to endure a constant stream of stink that smells like you're boiling eggs in your ass? I know it was you - there was no one within at least ten machines of us on either side. The elliptical machine is draining enough without having to breathe in toxic fumes. And the cruel irony of the gym is it's not like I could just go faster on the machine and put distance between us.
I tried making the volume on my headphones louder, but that did nothing to drown out the smell. I tried closing my eyes, but it's true that when you lose one sense, the others intensify. I guess I could have left, but I got there first and I was in an exercise groove.
Seriously, you need to get to a doctor, because there's something wrong with you. And if that's just how you are normally, I hope you live alone.

If I see you at the gym again, I'm going to plug a Glade air freshener in your ass.
Drop and give me 50, maggot!
You'll breathe clean air when you've earned it.
He who smelt it, dealt it.
You tried turning up your headphones to block the smell? ARE YOU RETARDED?
Just a hint:
Sight = Eyes
Hearing = Ears
Taste = mouth
Touch = skin
Smell = nose
Balance = inner ear
You're the person in school who reminded the teacher they forgot to give out homework, aren't you...
Yeah, so? The kids are supposed to do their homework and I got extra privledges for ratting them out.
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