the life and times of a wandering jew


What I've Learned So Far

Ely, Minnesota
As I write this, I’ve been on the road for exactly three months. At KFI, I used to do a segment every week called “What Did We Learn” that would recap the events of the week, so in honor of that, here’s “What I’ve Learned: Road Trip Edition”:

-Oprah Winfrey is a very down to earth person, but she could probably use better body guards

-This country is very large and very beautiful

-When possible, always take a two lane road over a highway

-Large bugs will often be sucked in through your open window while you’re driving – try not to freak out when they land on your chest or in your lap. Screaming like a little girl and swatting wildly will cause an accident.

-Speaking of bugs, they will also often splat against your side view mirror and explode bug body fluid all over you.

-The bug body count on the front of your car will resemble a bug genocide so terrible that if there were a bug U.N., you’d be tried for war crimes against bugmanity.

-It’s possible to go up to five days without showering, but that sixth day is going to be very gross

-When it comes to swimming in bodies of water, there is definitely a hierarchy: Rivers are best, followed by lakes, then oceans, and then ponds. Motel pools should never EVER be used, ever.

-And speaking of things to avoid, the state of Texas is best avoided from June-May.

-The state with the best total cell phone coverage is Wisconsin – the state with the worst is Maine.

-Bug spray is pretty much a scam.

-Moose are surprisingly quick.

-Skippy peanut butter can sit in the back of a swelteringly hot car for months and still be edible.

-Saying you’re vegetarian is akin to announcing that you are a pedophile in a lot of places.

-A portable GPS is probably the best tool to have for any trip, but they are fallible, so bring a map.

-Motel 6’s can either be perfectly acceptable or disgusting filth-holes. The newer the building looks, the better off you’ll be.

-Sirius satellite radio is probably one of the best things ever.

-Despite what we in lala-land think, just saying you’re from L.A. will not cause girls in rural towns to drop their pants.

-If a state is known for something, you’ll see signs for it the second you cross the state’s borders. In other words, you won’t have to search hard for cheese in Wisconsin, BBQ in Texas, Lobster in Maine, Amish in Pennsylvania, or Mormons in Utah.

-There are surprisingly few Wells Fargo ATM’s outside the western United States.

-The cheaper a motel is, the more likely it is someone will have been murdered in your room. Conversely, the cheaper a campsite is, the more beautiful it will probably be.

-On a trip like this, plan to spend around $100 a day.

-Gas station bathrooms should be avoided at all costs.

-Bees and wasps like to hang out in the electricity boxes at campsites, so be careful when plugging in.

-VW vans are great for doing a road trip by yourself. If you’re traveling with a spouse, partner, or friend, you might find the quarters a little too close for comfort. If you’re traveling with your family, be prepared to end up like Andrea Yates.

-Most kids would rather go to Disneyland for vacation than a National Park. Subsequently, when they run around like crazed Hyenas, they’re going to ruin your vacation AND mine. Do us all a favor and leave the kids in the car (but crack a window, because it’s hot).

-The most common roadkill are skunks, followed by cats, possum, squirrel, dogs, and birds. I’ve seen one dead deer by the side of the road.

-The cheapest gas can be found in rural Arizona ($2.09 a gallon!), the cheapest overall state for gas is Texas, and in Oregon and New Jersey it is against the law to pump your own gas.

-If you plan on going to more than three National Parks in a year, a National Parks Pass ($50) will save you a bunch of money on entrance fees.

-If you smoke, don’t buy cigarettes in Chicago ($8 a pack) or New York ($7.50).

-If you pull over on the side of the road to take a nap in a heavily Christian area (the South, for instance), be prepared for good Samaritans to wake you up every five minutes to see if everything is okay.

-Wireless internet networks that allow you to get internet access anywhere in the country aren’t up to speed yet, and your connection will often be slower than dial-up. I have Cingular, and I think the only other provider right now is Verizon.

-The best things the East Coast has that the West Coast doesn’t are frozen custard and fireflies.

-Don’t fuck with Canada

On another note – a very happy birthday to the real Trudel (the Grandmother, not the Van), who turned 91 on Saturday! I love you very much and I’ll see you soon.


Anonymous said...

Did you actually say that you are a vegetarian pedophile? Things are starteing to make sense now.

Kidding aside, is Ely MN a cool place to go? I'm looking for a little vacation spot.

jason said...

Ely is a nice little town - very centered on outdoor activities. If you like to fish, kayak, boat, or hike, there's a ton of stuff to do. Personally, if I were going to Minnesota to do that stuff, I'd go more to the north eastern area around Lake Superior.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fodder for A Letterman 10 list to do while driving around the US--Good Stuff.

Anonymous said...

Next time you pass a bookstore, pick up a copy of PJ O'Rourke's "Holidays In Hell"....and read the Introduction.

Maybe it's just your writing styles, but I bet you and PJ could slam a few shots at a bar and be brothers.

Cool reading. Get a publisher.

Anonymous said...

Yes, publish a book in paperback. $7.99 is all I'll pay for this shit.

Anonymous said...

Jason, are you related to Adam Nathanson of Mapleton communication?

Anonymous said...

I'm quite sure there are fireflies in Tahoe. Or was that a spark from my blunt?

jason said...

"Anonymous said...
Jason, are you related to Adam Nathanson of Mapleton communication?"

Not that I know of...there are very few Nathansons in this country that I'm related to...our original name (before Ellis Island) was Nathansohn

Mr. Biggs said...

Got sick of saying the "h" is silent?

No,...the OTHER "h".


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that from a guy silent Bs.
First or second, take your pick because it don't matter.

Anonymous said...

Iggs? His name is really pronounced Iggs? Mr. Iggs. Iggy, for short.

Anonymous said...

Jason, where are you going next? And how long are you planning on staying on the road? Just wanted to know the gameplan if there was one.

Anonymous said...

Let us go then, you and I.
Like an evening spread out against the sky. Like a patient etherized upon a table...

no, wait... that is "the Love song of J. Alfred Prufrok" by T.S. Eliot..... sorry.

Anonymous said...

Anybody else going on a road trip and want to do a blog like this? This here blog's just about wrapped up and ole Jas, he be needing to go back to work soon. I'm thinking some good looking chicky-pie who is willing to flash her boobs at every national park and monument of the west. I'd like to see some nice boobies posted here... or on that site.

Anonymous said...

Jason's going away? When is this happening? I'm not sure what I'll do with my days if this blog ends. Jason, please tell us you'll keep the blog going!

Anonymous said...

So Jason...yah going to keep this blog going or what?

Anonymous said...

Hey! I don't know if Jason is throwing in the towel... I'm just saying that eventually this blog must end and I voting for the next blog to following being a blog with excessive bodacious Ta-Tas. Massive mammories. Titantic tits. Monumental mellons. Gigantic jugs. Fabulous fun-bags. knock-out knobs.

Anonymous said...

Me too! I want titties! I want Titties!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that the guy who wrote about Titanic Tits...bodacious mellons.....hasn't been laid in a decade. Either that, or married, and very bored.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I bet that titty man is sitting there right now wanking it off to a Playboy because he can't get laid.

Sadder still, is that he's got his other hand on the mouse reading this blog.

Anonymous said...

What? Jacking-off has become politically incorrect now?

Anonymous said...

I love myself... 4 or 5 times a day!

Anonymous said...

No, but let’s have some equality of the sexes when jacking off in public. Why can’t we have a blog that offers some dandy dicks, charismatic cocks, bodacious balls, and perky penises? I mean, since we’re being politically correct and all?

Now watch, how many people on this blog protest the opposite sex.

Anonymous said...

As if you could get it up 4 or 5 times a day. Pahleez.

Anonymous said...

I am disgusted that anyone would objectify the male organ in such an insulting way.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, look at the testosterone fly now. Penises, penises, penises. Balls and dicks.

That should make you positively epileptic.

Anonymous said...

Chicks with dicks.

That should solve the argument. Totally politically correct.

Anonymous said...

Dudes with boobs.

Damn homophobes!

Anonymous said...

Just shoot me...


Anonymous said...

Bang! *SPLAT*!

Children not allowed on blog.

Anonymous said...

Children? WTF do you mean, children?

jason said...

"Anonymous said...
Jason, where are you going next? And how long are you planning on staying on the road? Just wanted to know the gameplan if there was one."

I'm in the Black Hills of South Dakota now, and I'll be going to Yellowstone next. From there through Montana and Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and then home probably by the end of the month.

And in answer to other questions, the blog will keep going after the trip is over, and you will all be able to be voyeurs into the world of a man with no job and no home cope with the depression of ending a massive trip, find a job, and re-join the rat race.

Anonymous said...

When you're homeless in L.A., and holding a "Work for Food" sign...we'll all be there for you, Jason.

It's amazing to think of all the friends you picked up, just by taking a risk on a road trip.

Onward to conquer the world, I say.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're more reliable than anyone in my life...and I've never even met you. So you can't go away. I wouldn't have any friends anymore.

Anonymous said...

Jason's my bestest friend and I've never met him either.
We are a bunch of pathetic losers.

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up. This blog is beginning to sound like a Hallmark card.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That last guy was a little testy.

Anonymous said...

Girl, that last girl was a little testy. I am.

Anonymous said...

Well, shut the fuck up then!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! What he said. Assuming that he's a he. Otherwise, what she said. But not the she with the bad attitude.

Anonymous said...

This is funny! I'm just checkin' in to see what you're up to.

xoxo -
Christie Parks
A.K.A. Your Former Office Supply Pimp

jason said...

Ohhh, little Miss Sunshine decides to join the big kids! Hope everything in promotions land rocks.