The line at Red's Eats, a Lobster Roll/Sandwich shack in Maine

Fresh from the sea - a Lobster Pound in Bar Harbor

My first Moose

Those kids at Harvard showing their wit and brilliance

Pro-life, pro-trucker

Every time a child laughs, a Trudel gets her horns

Cannibal penguins at the Niagara Aquarium

Sign #43 you don't really like you kid that much:
Let him play around the railing of Niagara Falls
Jason, don't jump!
Nice picture of you by the Niagra Falls railing. You seem shorter in pictures.
Cool postcards.
Hey, photo journalism pays better than radio!
Andrea Yates would love Niagra Falls!
Nothing like a homicidal vegetarian traveling across the highways of America.
Notice how Jason's roadkill ends up on the Trudel. I imagine the back of the Trudel has a deer and a moose mounted on it.
Really, Jason, you need to work on these anger issues.
That's not roadkill on the front of Trudel. That's what's left of Mel Gibson.
Okay, everyone who cares about Jason, raise their hand. It's way too quiet around here.
Anybody raises their hand and I shoot this puppy dog. And that's a fuckin' promise. Don't make me kill this sweet little guy.
What's one less puppy in the world?
Jason's got my vote...you sick, psycho puppy-killer.
Nooooooooooooooooooo! I did not raise my hand one inch. Stop it, now. Hands down everyone.
Drown the sucker.
Jason can mount that puppy head on his front bumper.
What a bunch of sick fucks!
It is not cool to have a laugh at the expense of a puppy dog. This puppy's blood will be on all your hands. Think how stupid you all will feel standing in front of St. Peter at the entrance to heaven and hearing: "welcome to heaven... oh, oh, wait you are the sick fucks that had that puppy killed. To hell with the lot of you."
Dude, not our fault. Biggs started it.
What better man to understand puppy killing than St. Peter,the ‘apostle of the circumcision’? Just imagine how many puppies St. Peter lopped off!
Blessed art thou who puppy kill, for thou shall enter the kingdom of heaven by damning that fascist organization called PETA.
That's okay, we got Saint Bernard on our side.
‘Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.’! (Acts 10.9,16)
St. Peter would be proud.
However, St. Jason, the Patron Saint of Vegetarians, is probably throwing up by now.
Are puppies kosher food?
Do you realize that everyone just chose to murder a puppy instead of admitting you were Jason's friends?
Very disturbing.
Jason WHO?
News Alert--
The Israeli Air Force is about to bomb Mel Gibson.
How do you guys (above) get your sheets so white?
Is this anti-semitic bullshit really necessary Herr Hitler? Hebrew National is a hotdog not a kill zone for Jews. Down the road, when the shit finally hits the fan and religious wars burn this planet to a cinder, I will be looking for YOU pussy boy. And then we will dance.
Pipedown you pusilaneous pig porker!
That's enough outta you.
Sit down and shut up.
Don't make me press the red button.
Somebody explain this reaction to HEWBREW NATIONAL PARK...us non-jews do not get this. Interpret, please?
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