the life and times of a wandering jew


NY Pics

I've figured out a way to stay in New York. I'm going to bring Trudel into the city and subdivide her into three apartments. The front area will be one, the back area will be another, and the poptop will be a pricey penthouse. I'll rent each for $3000 a month (penthouse for $6000), and I'll use that money to buy a basement apartment in Queens.

I've gotta say I'm kind of in love with this city. Last night I played chess in Bryant Park at 10pm with a Nigerian immigrant who totally kicked my ass. In what other city would that happen? Okay, maybe Branson Missouri, but that's the only other one. Street vendors sell bagels and cream cheese for a dollar a pop, the subway is amazingly effective and I've found it very easy to navigate, and every other person I see on the street is a hot Jewish chick. The only dissapointment I've had so far came last night. I made my way to Brooklyn for Grimaldi's pizza, which is supposed to be the best in NY, and it was only okay. Crust wasn't thin enough, and the pie was undercooked. Sorry cousins June, Danielle, Stacy and George, if you're reading this, but it just wasn't what I was looking for. Pizza is kind of like religion, where everyone says theirs is the best and they get all defensive if you disagree, so I won't harp on it.

In the meantime, I've taken some great pics in this city, so I'll end this post with some of my favorite (click on each picture for a larger version - they bigger they are, the better they look):

Art student sketches at Grand Central

Walkway near Rockefeller Center

Browsing at the Met

Three pics is the most Blogger will allow me to upload, apparently, so the rest of my favorite NY pics can be found by clicking here


Umunhum said...
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Mr. Biggs said...
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Mr. Biggs said...

I'm sorry. That was rude.

I deleted it.

I hear in NY they sell the slice!

That's crazy.

Is that true?


Anonymous said...

What's crazy is trying to get a decent pizza in Lancaster.

Mr. Biggs said...

Yeah. Jason will tell you. Those Amish make crappy pizza pies.


Anonymous said...

Lancaster CA, not Lancaster PA

Umunhum said...
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Umunhum said...
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Anonymous said...

Ever notice how the IQs are higher on the East Coast, compared to California? And for some odd reason, aren't New Yorkers nicer than Californians?

I just thought I'd point that out while you were there to witness this phenomena first hand. Maybe that's why New York is the #1 radio market.

Really, I'm not here to jerk your chain. Just encourage you to think of the assets of moving to the greatest city known to mankind.

Anonymous said...

Quite jerking our chain and then denying that you are jerking our chain.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to get my stubby little fingers around that NYC loving anonymous guy and squeeze until his eyeballs...

No, wait... what on earth has come over me?

Anonymous said...

A. You're right...I'm not jerking your chain. I'm hitting you over the head with the bald faced truth: Academically speaking, the average New Yorker makes it look like Californians has refried beans for brains.

B. Only a Califorian would resort to physical violence instead of using their refried beans.

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of how New Yorkers are nicer than Californians.


Anonymous said...

It's 3 Californians vs. 1 New Yorker. Excuse me if I'm less than polite to gang bangs.

Yet another example of the weakness of Californians: they're never strong enough to stand up for anything alone, but only if the entire clique agrees.

Mr. Biggs said...


I hear Jason's on a roadtrip.

I'll be damned.


Anonymous said...

3 vs. 1 hmmmmm... do you want some California Cheese with that whine?

BTW, I am not a Californian.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, we New Yorkers are Whine Connoisseurs!

One must live in New York to truly appreciate it. Or at least, have an open mind to it.

Mr. Biggs said...

"One must live in New York to ... have an open mind to it."

That's dumb.


Anonymous said...

You MUST be a Californian.

Only a Californian would use such a unique adjective as "dumb" to demonstrate their mastery of the English language.

Mr. Biggs said...

That's dumb, too.


"P.S." stands for "Post-Script", used to add an additional thought below the writer's signature, after the original message has already been drafted.

P.P.S.-Where's Trudel while you're slumming in New Amsterdam?

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to Sun Follower? She looked hot! Kind of an LA swamp girl.

Anonymous said...

Jason, you're Jewish, you're young, you look to be in reasonable shape... shouldn't you be in Israel right now helping the JDF? That swamp girl ain't nothing compared to those zaftig kibbutz girlz. Hooooo doggy, they is juicy girly-girls. You might even get laid.

Anonymous said...

Hell, he's in NYC. If he can't get laid there, he can't get laid anywhere. Besides, Babes with Attitude are far superior to those zaftig kibbutz girlz.

Anonymous said...

You don't know Jason.

Anonymous said...

And you do?

Anonymous said...

Yeah. He couldn't get laid in a whorehouse with a pocket full of C-notes.

Anonymous said...

These comments are getting pretty cheezy. No wonder Jason is afraid to post new stuff here. It's like chumming shark infested waters.

Mr. Biggs said...

It's like a bunch of nameless homeless people screaming at each other in the soup line.

Let's break out the name tags, people. So I can start scanning the comments for ones I'd like to read.

Jason,....seriously. Update us. You're in New York. Did you "make it" there?

Cause if you did, can "make it" anywhere...from what I hear. know what I'm talking about, right?


Anonymous said...

Yes, I think all we "anonymous" people should revolt. Let's go on hiatus and Jason and Biggs can carry on a conversation by themselves. Gee, that should be entertaining. With Biggs vocabulary of acronyms, we should be bored to death in a day.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous brothers and sisters stand up and be counted! The nefarious Mr. Biggs (as in Biggs Brother is watching you) has tossed the gauntlet thinking we will pick it up and identify ourselves. WE WILL GO ANONYMOUSLY INTO THE NIGHT! We are not people, we are numbers. To that end, let's all append a sequential number to our Anonymous tag. I'll start. First I'll click other, and my user name will be Anonymous_1. The next anonymous will be Anonymous_2 and so on. Remember your number, you will need it to get back in.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the blog? Is it dead? Is Jason dead? Is God dead?

Anonymous said...

After insulting the entire Blog, Biggs here thinks he's the only Blogger worth reading. Someone's ego is wildly out of control.

Let's vote Biggs off the island.

Anonymous said...

Well, so much for sequentially incrementing the anonymous numbers.

Everyone go ahead and use your favorite number (no doubt 666 will show up soon) but REMEMBER your number. There will be door prizes at the end of the blog. Grand prize: You get to flog Biggs with a Cat-o-nine tail.

Anonymous said...

How do you know Biggs isn't just talking to himself on this blog...disguised as ten different anonymous bloggers?

Mr. Biggs said...


I'm not sure what I did to draw so much ire. Feh.

I simply want to understand who is speaking, responding, re-directing, etc.

I'll take a break for a day or two. You anonymi talk amogst yourselves for a bit.


P.S. - I thought the numbering idea was fine. UncleJ...what's happening? Why are they so snippy?

Anonymous said...

They are being snippy because they can be snippy. Now get back to your friggin podcast and don't make me send the boys down to Lancaster to kick your ass Biggs.

Anonymous said...

Oh gee whiz, his feelings are hurt. Biggs, get back here! Just because you sniped at us anonymi doesn't mean we don't love you. We just don't have as much backbone as you do to show our faces to our friends. You have to realize that we anonymi are such spineless, pathetic morons because we can't be ourselves without hiding behind an alias. But you, Biggs, are my Hero. You have the balls to show your face.

So buck up little camper and get back on that horse.

Mr. Biggs said...

Spineless Anonymi...



Anonymous said...

mr.biggs I got you covered. I have to sign on as Anonymous because UncleJ was already taken so I just sign off with the name. We at least have a name and you have a face to go with yours.
This is Jason trip to enjoy and report his travels to us. I have so far enjoyed what he has writen
and can not blame him for removing some of the posts. If anonyous 1
thur 100 et al don't like it here go someplace else

Anonymous said...

Just because Biggs is a man's man doesn't mean that he is homosexual.

Was Uncle J known as Sheriff John in the 1950's? I think he was on channel 9 as I recall.

Spinless Anonymi must stand together least they fall down.

And remember Robin... it takes a real man to wear women's clothes.

Anonymous said...

The blog is about Jason's travels... the comments are a different thing altogether. People are always looking for a forum to rant and rave on. This one is working nicely, thank you.

This love it or leave it crap didn't work in the 60's and it ain't working here "uncle" J.

How do you get your sheets so white?

Anonymous said...

Can't we all just have a big group hug?
Jason, your family is arguing. We need you to come sort out this fight.

Anonymous said...

I am a founding member of the L7 society... and don't you 4-get-et.

Anonymous said...

I'll take the bait. What the hell is an L7 Society, Uncle J?

Anonymous said...

Ever hear the song "wooly-Booly" by Sam the Sham and the Pharoes? There is a line in it that says "don't be L 7." Hold up your thumb and index finger and make an L. Then do the reverse with the other hand to make a 7. Put them together and you get a square. L7=square. The cat is a square man. Get hep daddy-o... you dig?

Anonymous said...

That is way cool, daddy-o.

I could have used that word last night when I was pulled over by a cop for speeding.

L7..word of week.

Anonymous said...

Well! I guess we've been told off properly.
I say good day sir!

Umunhum said...
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Umunhum said...
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Anonymous said...

How about those Oakland A's? Now there's something Californians do better than New Yorkers--play baseball.

Umunhum said...
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Umunhum said...
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