the life and times of a wandering jew


The Amish Sense of Humor

Haven't been here in quite a while

Unfortunately I've been here quite a few times


Anonymous said...

Forgive us our silence, but I think we are all in amazement that a Jewish boy with a mighty fine goutee can't get laid in Amish country. Blue balls, indeed.

Mr. Biggs said...

I thought this was your first time in Amish Country.

I'm confused.

So you....HAVE been there. And now you're back.

I don't follow.


Anonymous said...

Look at the time-stamp on Biggs' post. Up awful early aren't we Cecil? Or did you pull an all-nighter after closing down Whizzbang's! last night?

Anonymous said...

Serial killers have been known to have acute bouts of insomnia.

Anonymous said...

Is there a trip plan here or do you just drop a needle on a map? I think you missed half the eastern seaboard. Where is the Trudel going next?

Anonymous said...

Skip Ohio. Ohio sucks.

Anonymous said...

Amish live in Ohio, too. Jason could colonize.

Anonymous said...

Odds are 100:1, but I'll bet $20 that Jason can score with an Amish chick.

Anonymous said...

Hey Biggs. Quite screwing around here and get back to work on Show#007.

Anonymous said...

*chirp* *chirp*

Hoo-hoooo, hoot, hoo-hooo


Mr. Biggs said...

I didn't think that required a response.

Day jobs are a bitch. The show requires a TON of preproduction.

Besides...this is Jason's blog.

You should be needling me on my blog.


Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to say "they killed Jason!" Damn Amish.

Anonymous said...

Hiya everybody.

Just dropping a note to tell you all to move along. There's nothing to see here.

I've already emailed those whom I care about that I've abandoned this blog. I thought that the word would spread. Instead, those people just stopped coming here. Leaving all of you to speculate.

The trip is over. Trudel's been sold. The goatee has been shaven. And I'm starting to grow a little Friar Tuck on top (or the sides, actually).

I'm happy. I'm here on my own free will. Do not come looking for me.

And in 45 minutes, after a quick massage, I'm starting my vow aaginst technology. I might stop by FARK one last time, just for shits 'n giggles.

Go home. All of you.

And Mr. Biggs? You were right about buttons. I was so blind before.


Anonymous said...

I never thought it would end like this. I had envisioned tales of glory on the road to discover Amerika. And then I fully expected some sort of movie deal after the trip was over. But instead of ending with a bang it ends with a whimper. A pathetic wimper at that. And then the little sissy slap in the face on Jason's final post. What a disappointment. Hey, I've been thrown out of better blogs than this... I say Good Day Sir.

I mean it. I said Good Day Sir.

Anonymous said...

What a cocksucker.
Is this a Jewish thing? To turn your fucking back on people?
Like I said... what a cocksucker.

Mr. Biggs said...

What did I say?

I don't recall.

You mean that thing I said about zippers being a tool of bealzelbub?

'Cause that wasn't a endorsement for buttons. Velcro works just as well.


Anonymous said...

No wonder Jason left everyone. Look at the language...the immoral thoughts...the indecency here.

My kind of people!

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested